easy way to determine network segment mappings?

Valued Contributor II

Is there a way to determine which network segments are assigned to what servers (netboot, software updates, distribution points)?
with over 200 entered, looking one by one is not really practical.


Legendary Contributor III

Was going to say to try via the API, but I just looked. Even as of 9.61, I can't see the particular file share or SUS mappings for any network segments from the API. I can see the NS name and Starting and Ending IP ranges, but none of the associated servers mapped to it.
Looking at file share distribution points from the API also doesn't reveal what they are mapped to. Meh :/

That said, none of our Network Segments are mapped to an actual JDS, only regular file shares. I don't know if mapping to a JDS changes what you can see in the API, but whether or not that's the case, my request to JAMF here is that I would REALLY like to see everything possible that's viewable in the web app GUI as something we can also pull up in the API. Please.

Valued Contributor

Have a look at what you can pull from JSS Summary > Network Segments. Then dump that into Excel for manipulation.