EDU profiles being removed

New Contributor II

Beginning yesterday morning, we started noticing commands to our iOS devices that are removing EDU profiles. Nothing in classes or users assignment on the devices has changed, but I'm finding that many devices are losing their EDU profile. I can look at classes and see who is listed as teacher, and then I go to a device assigned to that user and it shows the EDU profile was removed in the past day even though the class is still there.

Our classes are not created from Apple School manager, so it's not a change in the sync because we don't have Apple Education Support configured.

I also manually created a class and added myself as the teacher, but no EDU profile has installed or come up in pending commands. Has anyone else seen a mass removal of EDU profiles, or know what would cause this?


New Contributor III

this is a known issue in Jamf Pro

New Contributor II

In case anyone else stumbles upon this, I've had this issue happen twice and both times the solution was to "Enable Apple Education Support" in the Apple education support settings. This setting has randomly been flipped off with no log of the change. This past time, I have a screen shot from a few weeks ago showing it on, and it appears early in the morning over the weekend it was flipped off. History only shows when I edit the settings to enable it again. Support has no answer for how/why this happens.