Elevate Starndard User to Admin using Config Profile

New Contributor III


We have been working on upgrading Sonoma, but we have encountered an issue. We are unable to assign volume ownership to the local users. As a workaround, we are considering making them local admins through silent actions. We are wondering if it is possible to elevate standard users to admin accounts using configuration profiles?


Alvaro Ortiz

Esteemed Contributor

Volume Ownership comes with Secure Tokens. The simplest way to handle that is to give the user a FileVault token, which comes with a Secure Token and in turn Volume Ownership. Apple has all this documented miserably. 


The apple way of doing things (aside of make everyone admins). Allow the user to enable FileVault with a Configuration Profile to force it at login or log out. When they enter their credentials to enable FileVault all the tokens will be granted without any interaction from IT.

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You could, but I would recommend just creating the scripts to do what you need to do. All scripts run as root unless you say otherwise. You or the user can then trigger the script to update the machine. They don’t need admin to do it this way. 

Valued Contributor

@Alvaro1337 You can use script to promote user as admin.


loggedInUser="$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )"

if [ $(dseditgroup -o checkmember -m $loggedInUser admin | awk '{print $1}') == "yes" ]; then
	echo "${loggedInUser} is admin"
	echo "Not an admin, so adding to admin group"
	dscl . -append /groups/admin GroupMembership $loggedInUser



Esteemed Contributor

Volume Ownership comes with Secure Tokens. The simplest way to handle that is to give the user a FileVault token, which comes with a Secure Token and in turn Volume Ownership. Apple has all this documented miserably. 


The apple way of doing things (aside of make everyone admins). Allow the user to enable FileVault with a Configuration Profile to force it at login or log out. When they enter their credentials to enable FileVault all the tokens will be granted without any interaction from IT.