Email notification of enrollment

New Contributor

Does anyone have a method for generating an email notification whenever a new computer (or even better, device) is enrolled? I've poked around but there doesn't seem to be an easy method and I'm just wondering if I'm overlooking something before I make a feature request out of it :)


Honored Contributor

Enable email notifications for the "All managed xxx" smart groups. As something is enrolled, it'll fall into that group's membership and you'll get an email.

New Contributor

Perfect, I figured there was something simple I hadn't thought of.. Thanks!

Legendary Contributor III

And if you're looking to get emailed when a user self enrolls as opposed to a machine that becomes enrolled through other methods like imaging etc. follow this KB article for making your Smart Group and then enable notifications for it.

New Contributor

Sorry, I am new to JAMF and have been using it for the last few days and still trying to figure out how to use this solution. I figure this would be good thread to ask this question. Can anyone point me to where I can configure a manual enrollment email to shoot out to our user to enroll? I know one of our JAMF contractor show us during the jumpstart session but it was too much information in one day and I might have overlooked. Thanks in advance.