Email notifications being sent to only 2 users

New Contributor II

Hello all, recently email alerts stopped arriving from Jamf, so we created a user for tests to see if it will get notifications.

In that user, I subscribed to almost all the emails that are possible, but still only 2 users are being used in the notification email.

I've tested the email address with the SMTP test from Jamf, it works. We got the test. But when I re-enroll a device, for example, I see the emails in the SMTP defined account. But those are only addressed to 2 other users.

What could be the cause of this?


Esteemed Contributor

Each user account controls their own notifications. Have an effected user log in to the JAMF console, click the Account icon > Notifications. Have the user insure any desired notifications are enabled.




If "Notifications" is missing, the user has access to JAMF with an LDAP group. For users to enable email notifications they must have access to JAMF provisioned directly with a Local Account or LDAP Account.



New Contributor II

"In that user, I subscribed to almost all the emails that are possible, but still only 2 users are being used in the notification email."


In my original post.