Posted on 06-13-2019 09:07 AM
In MacOS on a Macbook, in the Accessibility widget (in System Preferences) if you scroll all the way down to 'Mouse & Trackpad', and then click on the 'Trackpad Options' button, there is a by-default-unchecked box for 'Enable Dragging'. This option is what allows you to "tap and drag" a window around using its titlebar.
I need to know the command line for checking that box so that I can build a Policy for it. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Posted on 06-13-2019 10:45 AM
You're going to need to build a script like this,
i dont have the time to do it right now 100% and test for you, but something like this is exactly what you want.
If i can come up with a script in the next couple days & if there is no answer posted, I will do my best to provide you a solution!
Posted on 06-13-2019 01:24 PM
That is very generous of you. We are experiencing end of school right now so I won't have time to dig into that until next week but I look forward to anything you muster with great anticipation. I also found the following in thinkdifferent stack exchange:
defaults write Dragging -bool true
defaults write Dragging -bool true
I will test the command line option first since it is a simpler solution. Thanks again!
Posted on 06-13-2019 01:34 PM
@Morningside Take a look at the thread Enable Right Click for inspiration on this. Specifically @talkingmoose's post and below. These settings have to be made in the user's preferences domain, not the global prefs domain.
Posted on 06-17-2019 06:00 AM
@Morningside , @sdagley is right, after utilizing piddlesofts ui browser screenreader feature to acquire the system preferences - accesibility - mouse & trackpad - scroll area, buttons, window, window rows & applications for an automated unobtrusive applescript - I failed. It is not following the path I directed it to.
Posted on 06-17-2019 08:13 AM
Is there no way to set default preferences for new users on a mac?
Posted on 06-17-2019 08:22 AM
@Morningside There is, but in this case it's not configurable via a Configuration profile so you're going to have to do some scripting. Hopefully the thread linked above will give you some ideas.