Posted on 03-03-2015 12:59 PM
Hello JAMF Nation,
I accidentally disabled bluetooth on my iMac through the JSS' 'Managed Preference Profiles' (I forgot to exclude myself). The problem I face is that I can't get it working agin. I deleted the preference in JSS, restarted my computer, forced a policy checkin, removed the JSS framework through terminal and deleted my iMac from the JSS. What can I do to get my magic trackpad and wireless keyboard working again?
Posted on 03-04-2015 06:07 AM
Try running these command. I had the same issue with Managed preferences not reverting to original once i remove the profiles. I stopped using them after I saw this behavior. Jamf support didn't have a solution to this when I called few weeks ago.
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ ControllerPowerState -int 1
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/