Posted on 04-14-2020 02:57 PM
I've looked at several threads on how to do this and with what I've learned it works for my Mojave test machine but not Catalina. In Catalina it enabled but just hangs when trying to connect unless enabled manually. If enabled manually it works fine.
I have a configuration profile assigned with an identifier of
Code requirement: identifier "" and anchor apple
and post event of Allow.
In a policy I have the following script run...
#! /bin/sh
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -allowAccessFor -specifiedUsers
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -users $4 -access -on -privs -ControlObserve -ShowObserve -clientopts -setmenuextra -menuextra yes
Can someone shed some light on things?
Posted on 04-15-2020 02:29 AM
There is the MDM command to enable Remote Desktop.
You can trigger this individually from a computer records management tab OR via the actions button from a search
Posted on 04-15-2020 02:31 AM
Posted on 04-15-2020 02:33 AM
Posted on 04-15-2020 02:18 PM
Thanks. I wasn't aware of that as it seems I don't have access to it. It looks like I'll be contacting our application support team to make arrangements.
Posted on 12-10-2020 01:58 PM
One caveat is that the MDM command to enable/disable Remote Management enables it for ALL users on the system. If you want to configure Apple Remote Desktop for a single user (e.g. localadmin), you'll need to run a script to set those preferences. The newer macOS security model doesn't allow you to enable ARD via script, but you can still configure the preferences.
Here's an example that I have used in the past. Run this script by policy and send the short name of the user to be configured for ARD (e.g. arduser ladmin) as Parameter 4:
# ARD User short named passed to this script from Jamf Pro policy as parameter $4
logger "$0: Configure Apple Remote Desktop access for $4."
usermissing=`finger -ms $4 2>&1 1>/dev/null | wc -l`
if [ ${usermissing} -eq 1 ]; then
echo "User $4 not found."
logger "$0: User $4 not found."
exit 1
# Hide ARD user from login window
dscl . create /Users/$4 IsHidden 1
# Configure Apple Remote Desktop access only for specified users
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -allowAccessFor -specifiedUsers
# Configure Apple Remote Desktop Agent for ARD user specified by parameter $4
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -configure -users $4 -access -on -privs -all -clientopts -setmenuextra -menuextra yes
# Hide 'Other' from Login Window
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWOTHERUSERS_MANAGED -bool false
exit 0
Posted on 01-07-2021 06:19 PM
@jcarr DO I have to add the 'adruser' part or can I just put the username 'ladmin'?
Posted on 10-25-2021 09:20 AM
I am trying to stop Apple Remote Desktop service for a lab when a user is logged in. To use lockdown browser ARD must be turned off.
I would like to use the -stop command this would turn Apple remote desktop back on after restarting.
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -stop
I cannot get the command to work from self service. It needs to be run with sudo. Has anyone tried this.