Encrypted or permission restricted network time machine backup....is it possible?


Basically, we have 7 XServ's that we aren't using any longer. My boss has had the grandiose idea to bring them back to our server room and use their storage as a network time machine backup location. I created a share on the server and then managed to get time machine to recognize it on my laptop. Seems to work fine, but at this point any staff member can mount the time machine share and monkey with anyone elses backup file. It would be great if the end user had the option to encrypt or set permission on their specific time machine backup. Are we just trying to go beyond time machines limits?


Valued Contributor

Sounds like you're just using basic file sharing on those XServes - why u no Time Machine Server?


Nope, I was using time machine server. Apparently I had overlooked the "encrypt backup" tick box when selecting your time machine backup disk. Once you are using a disk as backup target, you cant go back and reselect encrypt, you have to remove the backup disk and then reselect it. All good now though