Enforce Managed AppleID on iPad Fleet

New Contributor II

Hi, we have a large fleet of Junior School iPads and have only just finished the federation of managed AppleIDs in ASM. I know it is a long shot, but is there a way for us to push the AppleID for the assigned user out to the device and enforce iCloud backups to that AppleID? As most of the kids are doing remote learning it would be a great user experience for them if we could provide a zero-touch solution for this.


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Hi. I know it's a longshot, but did you happen to get an answer on this topic @scarey? Thanks!

New Contributor III

This would be great.

New Contributor II

@themacjesus No such luck. We are rolling out new devices next year so we will just add signing into the Managed AppleIDs and turning backups on as part of the deployment and then push out a config profile that restricts changing account settings. We manually set up each device as we have never found Zero-Touch to be reliable or complete.