Enforce Smart Card Use broken in 10.15.7?

Valued Contributor III

After upgrading a couple of Macs to 10.15.7, I can now log in using my password when I unplug the Smart Card. I ensured the configuration profile with the payload to "Enforce Smart Card Use" is still installed.

Now with the 10.15.7 update, I can unplug the Smart Card (screen saver kicks in) and log in using a password or Touch ID. Macs prior to 10.15.7 were fine, including Mojave, High Sierra.

Anyone else seeing this?


Contributor III
Contributor III

I just tested my 10.15.7 systems and I cannot log in with a password. I get the smartcard is required message at the Lock Screen. We don’t set the tokenRemovaAction key so I can’t say if that is affecting this.

Is it possible your account is in the NotEnforced group listed in /etc/Smartcardlogin.plist? This is only available in 10.15 and up.

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Contributor III
Contributor III

I just tested my 10.15.7 systems and I cannot log in with a password. I get the smartcard is required message at the Lock Screen. We don’t set the tokenRemovaAction key so I can’t say if that is affecting this.

Is it possible your account is in the NotEnforced group listed in /etc/Smartcardlogin.plist? This is only available in 10.15 and up.

Valued Contributor III

I'm using my AD account on 2 different computers. The only thing that changed was 10.15.6 to 10.15.7. I can try reapplying the SmartCardlogin.plist to see if that helps.

Valued Contributor

Smartcard enforcement working great for me too here with 10.15.7

Valued Contributor III

Yeah, 100 percent my bad. Thanks @golbiga, I set up the Not Enforced group incorrectly. All is working now, even on 10.15.7. Thank you all.