Posted on 04-06-2017 04:26 PM
Hello Friends ,
I'm trying to enable Apples built in enhanced dictation on MacOS 10.12 but receive error "Dictation languages are not available to download at this time " have tried different networks , managed and non managed machines . I tested on a 10.11 VM and it does download it seems . Anyone else come across this issue?
Posted on 04-10-2017 06:43 AM
Hi, these steps may help you:
Posted on 04-10-2017 06:50 PM
Good Suggestion Gupta but unfortunately issue persists
Posted on 04-28-2017 04:46 AM
Just worked for me - thanks, Gupta
Posted on 09-13-2017 11:26 AM
I'm seeing this issue on a couple Macs running 10.12.x. The instructions from @gupta1991ravi above doesnt appear to resolve the issue for me.
Does the Dictation download package come from SUS or another Apple server? I see a "Dication Language Update 2.0.4" (031024486) on my SUS server, but it keeps geting disabled for some reason (everytime I enable it it gets disabled again later automatically).
Are the Apple Dictation packages(s) available ala carte from Apple? I can't find them.
Posted on 09-13-2017 11:31 AM
I downloaded Install SpeechRecognitionCoreLanguage_en_US2.0.4.pkg and put it in self service for our users @dstranathan
Posted on 09-13-2017 11:37 AM
Thanks @CasperSally - where did you find the .pkg at? I'm unable to locate it.
Posted on 09-29-2017 08:13 AM
During the install on a machine running High Sierra, I was able to hard link it out of /Library/Updates/031-06400/SpeechRecognitionCoreLanguage_en_US.pkg to keep a copy for future use.
Posted on 10-30-2017 02:14 PM
Out of interest , does anyone that's having issues here also have an Antivirus installed? Microsoft's Endpoint Protection in particular?
Posted on 05-08-2018 07:14 PM
Just an update on this , incase anyone else runs into the issue . I found that my problems were caused by my internal SUS server . If I changed to the Mac to point to Apple , all seemed to work ok .