Extension Attribute for PPPC

Contributor II

Looking to create an EA that might show me when a user gets prompted for privacy permission. I know there is a log that should show this:

/usr/bin/log show --predicate 'subsystem == "com.apple.TCC"' | grep Prompting

But that file is HUGE and seems to show a lot of data even if i wasn't interactively prompted. Does anyone know a better way? Or perhaps there is a way to pull data out of the DB that stores users selections (Allow/Block/No response).... i thought the command below would show that, but i don't see ones i've recently clicked on in it:

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC.db 'select * from access'


Contributor III
Contributor III

Thats the system library database. There is a corresponding one in your users directory that should have the other ones.