Failing to do an Inventory Update at enrolment time

New Contributor III

We seem to have an issue since around the time we updated from Jamf Pro 10.50 to 11.0 (on-premise). Now when we enroll a Mac with user-initiated enrolment it fails to do an inventory update right away. We're seeing for instance our Rosetta 2 install policy not run at enrolment time as it's scoped to a smart group of our Apple Silicon Macs. In Jamf the name of the Mac is its serial number even though we set a custom name on the Mac (in both About and Sharing). Other things also seem to fail until we run a manual "sudo Jamf recon" - anyone else seeing this?


Valued Contributor II

While this isn't a solution, just a work around, have you tried setting a policy to perform an inventory update with a trigger of enrollment complete? Our on-boarding workflow seems to be fairly solid using that as the trigger.

Valued Contributor

I experienced similar intermittent issues on 10.46 before updating to 11.x. Are you still on 11.0? If so, are you able to update to 11.1.3 to see if that helps?

Do you have anything running (e.g. Setup Your Mac) that suspends check-ins while it's running? Anything in the policy logs that might narrow things down?

New Contributor III

We're fully up-to-date at 11.1.3 - just updated last week. 

Nothing else running, nothing in the policy logs. 

I can try the idea of making a policy that does an Inventory update at Enrolment Complete. But from what I've read Enrolment complete triggers can be hit or miss. For now I've instructed our staff enrolling Macs to run a recon from Terminal.

Valued Contributor

Are these re-enrollments of existing devices by any chance? If so, can you test to see if enrollments work if you delete the old device record first?

New Contributor III

No, these are enrolments for the most part of new devices. If we do re-enroll devices after a wipe we always delete the Jamf device record first.