FirstRun doesn't run after imaging

Not applicable


I imaged a new iMac yesterday and noticed that after booting up there is no user account.
I redo the imaging process again today, same thing.
I went into single user mode and try to run the FirstRun script from there, it just says that there is syntax error.
Any thoughts?

Tony S. Wu
tonyswu at


Honored Contributor

Can you post the script?

Contributor II

I hate to revive an ancient thread, but we are also having trouble with firstrun scripts. In fact, we have seen that about 50% of our machines do not run the firstrun scripts after imaging. This obviously presents a major problem for us as we roll out Lion to our labs. Imaging them a second time resolves the issue, but I would really like to understand why this is failing on so many machines the first time through.

I am going to delve into the /var/log/jamf.log to see what I can find, but I was curious as to whether anyone else was seeing a failure rate like this. Incidentally, we do choose to have a lot of packages installed at first boot, including CS5, Office, etc., as well as bind to AD, and run some custom setup scripts that set time zone and various other prefs. However, as I said, this works just fine when run a second time.

Any ideas appreciated!


Valued Contributor III


I have 3 or 4 scripts that are running fine, they aren't as complicated as yours but one is bind to AD.

Not sure this is the same issue but Matt is having issue with AT Reboot scripts too!! He doesn't have a fix

Contributor II

Thanks, Gachowski. This issue does seem to coincide with our upgrade to 8.6, now that I think about it. Ah, the fate of the early adopter! Perhaps 8.61 will be out soon?

Valued Contributor

I finally got mine working. I had to package the scripts in a dummy package with a PostInstall script.

Valued Contributor

Ok, this works with Netboot ONLY. If I Firewire mode, At Reboot scripts do NOT work. I have to login first with my Service Account and then it starts working.

Valued Contributor III

I am Netboot only