Posted on 06-02-2014 12:56 PM
Any other JAMF users that have ran through an upgrade to 9.x that set logs to 'do not flush'?
We set our VNC and Casper Imaging logs to 'do not flush.' During our test upgrade from 8.73 to 9.31, the logs stay in place, but over night they are wiped on all computers (and each night new imaging and vnc logs are wiped). I replicated this in our test environment with 2 different upgrades.
After seeing this a 2nd time, I tried going into Flush log settings in 9.31 and changed imaging logs to 3 months, and this seemed to stop both imaging and VNC logs from being wiped. The next day I set imaging logs back to 3 months, and nothing was wiped over night. I'm guessing that just making a change and saving it in flush settings fixes this, but I'd like it to not happen in our production environment at all. Unfortunately, I'm limited now that I can't revert to my snapshot in test environment anymore to continue to test this theory.
Just wondering if anyone else has seen this, is it a known defect? My guess is most users don't set anything to 'do not flush' but for us having that info is important and it's not a ton of data in the db.