A computer group cannot be indirectly defined in terms of itself:

Valued Contributor II

I'm trying to take my SG and exclude machines in a dev group I have. however I'm getting the following error when I try to save:
A computer group cannot be indirectly defined in terms of itself: Java 7 Update-->Patchoo - Java 7 JDK-->Java 7 Update

The Grp i'm modifying is the Java 7 Update. group, and I want to exclude any machine in the Patchoo - Java 7 JDK group.

I think the problem stems from the Patchoo group is set to exclude any machine in the Java 7 Update group.


Valued Contributor III

I've only seen that message when I use the same name for a group and a policy/advanced search, or something along those lines. Try a different name for the group just to see if that is the case?

Valued Contributor

They're both smart groups? You've created a logic trap. I would think you'd have a static group for the dev group and then you could use that group to exclude your developers from your dynamic prod group.