Posted on
12:55 AM
- last edited
As described in the subject.
I'm looking at forcing installation of certain apps for certain Smart Mobile Device/Network Segments/.... groups whilst making them available for other groups in the Self Service Store.
Do I best work with each network segment and assign apps through that or do it otherwise?
The setup I have is currently used for 2 schools (segments) and others get added afterwards.
Also how do I use 1 VPP account for multiple segments?
Kind regards.
Posted on 02-08-2017 07:41 AM
I have two of the same App in the JSS, one is for Self Service the other for Push.
Not sure if this is the best practice but it works.
Posted on 09-29-2023 04:55 AM
Hopefully this is still relevant, but how do you get two instances of the same app in JSS? Thanks!
Posted on 02-08-2017 08:27 AM
I do it like @paulvb above. It's relatively easy as you can clone the first policy and modify it, making the name include something obvious like "Manual Install GoogleChrome-56.0.2924.87". or "Self Serve GoogleChrome-56.0.2924.87"
There may be more sophisticated ways, but in lieu of that, this works well.
Posted on 02-15-2017 01:07 PM
True, this works, but if you have a LOT of apps, this becomes ridiculous. I currently have 480 apps in our JAMF. I would need to duplicate each, then make a category for each so I could distinguish it easily. This would mean I would have 960 apps in JAMF. JAMF is slow enough as it is bringing up the Mobile Apps list, I would hate to think what would happen if I duplicated all our Apps.
JAMF needs to come up with another way of handling this elegantly.
Still wish JAMF would use Tags similar to Meraki…