Posted on 07-10-2019 07:50 AM
Hi All,
I had an issue before with a limit of how many entries you can have in the Mobile Device Names of the prestage enrolment (500). Anymore and you cannot scope anymore devices into the prestage enrolment. Even if you have not enrolled 500 devices or even close to it. I know there is a 10 000 limit of the number of devices in a single prestage enrolment.
Each prestage will eventually have over 5000 devices in a few years.
My questions are.
If i have to use MUT to rename the devices, is there anyway to rename devices in a smart group.
If there is some way around the 500 rename limit in the prestage enrolment, if a device is wiped and re-enrolled into the smae prestage enrolment, will it get the same name as before.
Thanks in advance
Posted on 07-12-2019 11:19 AM
You could export the smart group to a CSV, and with either the JSS ID or the Serial number in the 1st column and the name in the 2nd column you could use The MUT.
If I remember correctly, setting your PreStage to anything other than 'Default Names' sends a rename command. But if you set it to 'Default Names' it won't do an initial Name, and will remember the previous name that you were enforcing and set the name to what it was before.
Do some testing, and hope this helps.
Posted on 07-21-2020 04:29 PM
Can you tell us how the "default names" option creates the device name?
EDIT: sorry - I see you have explained it in your post!
Posted on 07-23-2020 11:02 AM
But if you set it to 'Default Names' it won't do an initial Name, and will remember the previous name that you were enforcing and set the name to what it was before.
That's a great tip! Usually when I'm mass-enrolling devices in the summer, I have to wait around for the initial rename before I can use The MUT to push the names I want. I will have to adjust my prestage enrollments accordingly. Thanks!