Good method of elevating user's printing rights via Config Profile?

Valued Contributor

We've not used config profiles much in the past, so still unsure of exactly how/what can be done in some aspects.

In the past, before we had Casper, we've added all standard users to the lpadmin group via a logon script. I'd like to do that via a config profile, but unsure if that's even a viable option. Anyone know? I know I could do it via script as well, just trying to shift away from multiple scripts where possible.



Configuration profiles manage plists.

Specifically, they manage plists in Library/Preferences folders such as:

~/Library/Group Containers/com.developer.identifier/Library/Preferences/

Profiles don't run scripts and they don't alter any existing computer settings. They override existing settings when applied. When removed, the existing settings take effect again.

They're not for the settings you want to manage. In your case, a script sounds like the right way to go.

Valued Contributor

Thanks talkingmoose.

Not trying to run a script with them, was trying to figure out if there was a way to manage this via a profile instead of the script I've used in the past. (i.e., was there a plist that would have the same effect as adding users to the lpadmin group). Appreciate it though, sounds like going with the "tried and trusted" approach will work, I'm just trying to move as much of our configuration over to profiles as possible as we move our management process to Casper.


I 101% agree with that philosophy!