Google Secure LDAP Integration - Groups not associating

Valued Contributor III

testing Google Secure LDAP integration (Cloud Identity Providers)

I can lookup a user and it returns the user, but not the groups associated to the user.

I can lookup a group, but no users are associated. 

Everything is configured as per this

LDAP is configured for the domain in Workspace

Can someone who has this working shed some light! 



New Contributor III

As far as I can tell, in the testing window you'd have to look for a group and a user, and it will tell you if they are in the group. I think this is expected behavior. - Or are you running into any other issues? 

Valued Contributor III

the issues is, user John Smith is in a memeber of Workspace groups, when you do a test lookup. it returns the user data, but has no groups.. and if you lookup a group that John Smith is in.. the group returns no users..