Granular Control of Switches within the Finder

Contributor II

I know there are a few scripts for helping to run policies to manage a few of the features under the Finder within the "sidebar," but I'm still looking for a few more scripts that pinpoint specifically the "favorites" and the "shared" switches.

Any direction on targeting this area would be appreciated. I'm wondering what plists encompass these switches or if they are bundled?


Contributor II

I know there are a few scripts for helping to run policies to manage a few of the features under the Finder within the "sidebar," but I'm still looking for a few more scripts that pinpoint specifically the "favorites" and the "shared" switches (check boxes).

Any direction on targeting this area would be appreciated. I'm wondering what plists encompass these switches or if they are bundled?

Legendary Contributor III

It might be the terminology you're using, but just to be clear, by Finder "switches" I'm assuming you mean if you go into Finder > Preferences > Sidebar and check/uncheck items in that list, correct?

If so, those are all stored within the user's

Specifically they are stored under a CustomListItems key with an array and multiple sub dictionary items under it. Its a complex plist to manipulate via script. I don't know specifically how to do it, but I assume the only tool that can do it would be PlistBuddy. Maybe someone has some scripts already that can change those settings, but I'm not so sure.
Its possible a Configuration Profile can do it also.

Esteemed Contributor III

Apple is telling us to get away from MCX, not sure if this even works anymore:

JSS > Computers > Managed Preferences > Options > Finder


Contributor II

Mike, you're correct...the check boxes are what I was referring to (switches-on/off= 1's or 0's) (Just using older terminology is really the same thing..that's another story :)

I found the MCX piece or Manage Preference piece to control a little of the Finder items, but just as Don has stated...Apple hasn't said much about MCX, but we surmise that's its going away eventually. But while it's still available and in the Casper console, why not use it for a few things. It still works well.

In the meantime, I'm finding various scripts that might help to accommodate the actions that I'd like to make into policies to execute within the image(s) I've built. Some things I'm writing in bash to work with policies.

The granularity that allows me to touch each of the check boxes in the sidebar will help keep a hands-off approach to features the the user doesn't really need muddying up things, and keep the simplicity with the image. Half the crap Apple builds into some areas of the OS are very rarely used. If anyone has command-line scripts that help to controls these areas, I would be grateful to put them into the mix to manage this arena.
