GSX integration

Not applicable

I am having trouble getting the GSX integration to work as planed

My GSX account has these setting:

Can check Coverage/Warranty
Can access Repair History
Can Access Web Services

It get an error like this every time i try to look something up

org.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Cannot get part 'AuthenticateReturn'. Part was not found in message

Any idea whats wrong?


Kristian Christensen

DDB Oslo
Wergelandsveien 21
P.O. Box 7084 Majorstuen
N-0306 Oslo

Tlf dir: + 47 22 59 32 56
Mobil: +47 92 20 12 34


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What does one have to do in order to get a GSX account integrated with Casper? I just keep getting an invalid user name/password. Is there something that apple needs to do in order for this to work?

thanks to anyone who can help!

Richard Curtis

Honored Contributor

The Casper Manual, page 185 says you need to add your account number
and credentials, which is going to be your sold to account number I
assume. From the manual.

The JSS can access the following purchasing information from Apple’s
Global Service Exchange for computers that are inventoried in the JSS: ? Purchase date ? Warranty expiration date ? Apple Care ID (warranty reference number) To integrate with GSX, you must be signed up for Apple’s Self-Service
Account Program. Information on this service is currently available at:

Note: GSX may not always return complete purchasing information for a
computer. The JSS will display any information that is returned. The instructions in this section explain how to set up and modify GSX
Integration. To Set Up or Modify GSX Integration: 1 Log in to the JSS with a web browser. 2 Click the Settings tab. 3 Click the General Settings link. 4 Click the GSX Integration tab in the toolbar. 5 Select the checkbox labeled Enable GSX Integration. 6 Enter your GSX account number in the GSX Account Number field. 7 Enter the user name and password for your GSX account, and then type
your password again to verify it. 8 Click Save. 185

New Contributor II

I have found that the fastest way, is to chat an SPS Apple rep online and
tell them you need API access for use with the Casper Suite and they will
enable it on the spot. If you send an email, you will never get a response
(or your API access).

Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group

New Contributor II

When you login to GSX, click on GSX help form, click your GSX account, and
then Changing or adding GSX access Privileges. If you then scroll to the
botom of the screen there will be a SPS Chat link.
Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group

Not applicable

I am having some issues with GSX Integration.
Is there anyone who is using thing that is also an AASP and not self servicing?

Apple treats the accounts differently and i was wondering what level of access to give the lookup account.
Doug Hanley doug at - 702-396-0697 Apple Certified Systems Administrator - Apple Certified Trainer Apple Certified Support Professional - Apple Certified Technical Coordinator
MacTEK Consulting & Training - Apple Authorized Training Center (IT & Pro Apps) - Adobe Authorized Training Center
Apple Consultants Network Member - Apple Authorized Service Provider

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I believe it's called 'Access Web Services Role'

It took me awhile to get this sorted out, but the information was wortht the trouble.
