Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.5.0 Beta is Now Available

Hello Jamf Nation!We have several exciting new features including new Login functionality, Managed Software Updates enhancements, Packages page redesign, and more! You can find more information in the release notes when you enroll.Starting with the J...  View more

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Downloading Reports Not Working?

Greetings,I just setup an Advanced Computer Search, and I put in my Criteria and Display settings and when I click on the View button I get my expected results. When I go to the Reports tab, and click the Download Report button as csv, all I get is t...  View more

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Third Party Products

How do I get to Third Party Products now? This used to be the URL?https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/third-party-products/490/adobe-acrobat-dc-pro  View more

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New Knowledge Base Articles site

This is in response to this:https://community.jamf.com/t5/community-updates/knowledge-base-articles/td-p/202Did the comments under some of those articles also make it over? Some of the comments were super helpful sometimes in clarifying issues people...  View more

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New Jamf Nation: missing messages

Hi there,yesterday I asked a question about deleting devices from Jamf, this keeps failing after multiple attempts. The error has existed for several months. I guess this entry in Jamf Nation disappeared overnight. How can this happen?  View more

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Support App Post-install Script

On the off-chance this may help other Jamf Pro admins, we’re currently testing a post-install script for @jordy_witteman's excellent Support App, which we’ve added to a Jamf Pro policy as a Script payload, specifying the following:Jamf Pro Script Par...  View more

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Setting Chrome Homepage revisited

I'm having trouble setting the homepage for Google Chrome. I've read the previous posts from 2017 and tried what's been mentioned, but Chrome doesn't honor the configuration profile set in JAMF. Here is what I'm using: Is there an error with my .plis...  View more

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Cisco WebEx Meetings URL

Does anyone have the download URL for Cisco WebEx Meetings? Since this change to JAMF Nation the 3rd party products is not longer available and they are not even posted anymore in the forum. So far the version of JAMF Nation is terrible and a downgra...  View more

  • 13 replies
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Change Keyboard Input Source for all users

Hi guys, we have a lab of machines on Big Sur with input sources currently all set to British.For various reasons, it will be easier for our users if we now set our default Input Type in System Preferences > Keyboard to US.I have created a Configurat...  View more

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Jamf Pro, iPad wifi and Apple Classroom

We currently use Jamf Pro for around 500 iPads at our school, 400 of which are sim models (although that is not all the relevant). I have set wifi profiles for the students and teacher iPads, I have also forced wifi on for student iPads, however stud...  View more

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New Jamf Nation portal is amazing!

Jamf Team, thank you for all-new Jamf Nation portal! It looks great and modern! First question I have - where are 3rd party products, versions tracking? Dropped? IMO it was useful  View more

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Cisco AMP for M1 Chips

I've received the error below on 2 of my Macs, both with M1 chips. Anyone seen this before and if so any idea how I can get past it? installer: This package requires Rosetta 2 to be installed. Please install Rosetta 2 and then try again. sudo softwar...  View more

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Self Service - No software available when user logs in

OS 10.15.7 (Issue moves to other OS versions) Symptom: User logs in to self service and none of his software is available.The issue will travel to other computers. (had him log in to Self Service on my system. Same issue.) If I log in to Self Service...  View more

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Inventory Preload Permissions

I need assistance in settings up permission for a user that only needs to be able to upload inventory preloads for mobile devices.. currently they can only view active data but need to know hte correct permission(s) so they can upload a new CSV file.  View more

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Softwareupdate 10.15.7

Hi all, I am trying to use this script Install or Defer however it looks like it will not find any updates once the mac reaches 10.15.7 and as per what i found on jamf nation discussions was that it was a bug in that release causing softwareupdate --...  View more

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Bulk upload restricted software

Not sure if anyone has requested this. Is there a way to bulk upload all the apps that we want to be restricted? It would be a nice feature request if not already requested.  View more

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Logging to server via bash script

I thought I had already posted this, but it's no where to be found. I use a bash script which kills Zoom Rooms and forces a restart. Unfortunately this script doesn't leave any evidence of running, likely because it restarts before the script actuall...  View more

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Create server log entry inside script

I have a bash script which restarts, after Killing Zoom Rooms via killall. shutdown -R now I use this script because for whatever reason a policy using Restart Options does not work, likely because Zoom Rooms blocks it. Unfortunately there is never a...  View more

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Enrollment not working

Hi All, I am new to using Jamf Pro and I'm trying to enroll an iMac but getting the "server certificate chain for your organization's mdm server was not properly set up" error. Does anyone know how to fix this?  View more

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ClientID Variables not setting on ad bind

Hey Everyone, I am trying to get Macbooks fresh off of a prestage enrollment rename to the serial number using $SERIALNUMBER in the clientid of the directory payload. It doesn't seem to be working. Do I have the variable wrong? Are there other parts ...  View more

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Drive mapping help

Super new to Mac management and JAMF. We are trying to get the systems to map a couple network drivesDrive 1 is a company sharedrive 2 is a dept sharethey map fine but it seems to map them 2 times. it also requires that they click connect for each on...  View more

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