GSX lookup stopped working

Contributor II

Recently, I have observed the GSX lookup stopped working (JSS 9.21). The account setting is correct and it tests out correctly (and works when logging into the GSX website). However, when attempting a lookup it now always fails ("lookup was not successful"). I do not see any errors in the logs for the individual computers. I also am not seeing anything in the JamfSoftwareServer.log file.

Anyone else seen this?



FWIW, we're not seeing any issues in our 9.21 test environment or 8.73 production environment.

Not applicable

I've recently noticed GSX lookups failing to return any info as well. Confirmed my WSDL location with Apple. JSS v9.24.

New Contributor III

I'm having the same issue here... My server is sitting behind a proxy, though I had this functionality working at one point. I've verified the proxy info is configured on the server (netsh winhttp set proxy) as well as IE, and I can even hit the test link ( through IE on the server.. Just can't do the GSX lookup through the JSS.

Sure would be awesome if the JSS was proxy aware.. From my standpoint if there was a section under 'Global Management' where I could supply proxy info, that would be huge. But maybe there's something like that I'm just not aware of. If so, somebody set me straight! :)
