Hardware check in and check out notifications

Contributor III

I think I remember reading about a way to get notified when a computer is used whether by policy check in or possibly when a user logs in yet I can't find it.
We have a self service area for loaner laptops and I'd like to track their usage.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Contributor III

Was this just a really dumb or really difficult question?

Esteemed Contributor II

@llitz123 There's no email notification option for when a Policy runs, but you can configure a notification when a computer is added to or removed from a Smart Group. Figure out how to trigger a computer being added to a Smart Group (as a theory have a policy create a file somewhere on the Mac then trigger a recon so an Extension Attribute you've written to detect the file can be used as a Criteria for the Smart Group) and you can use that for your notification