has anyone used softwareupdate -i -r with Jamf Pro

New Contributor II

just checking to see if anyone has used the Unix Command Line softwareupdate -i -r thru JAMF to update their fleet of macs? if so what is the best practice...

I setup a script softwareupdate -i -r then setup a policy for adding groups macs to this policy


Valued Contributor

@craig.morrison Generally I've found it much easier to just turn on the Software Update section of the policy. No sense trying to build a better boat when they provide one for you. I have used softwareupdate -i -a through Casper Remote with no issues.

Valued Contributor

Though again, there is a "Install Available Updates" option in Casper Remote, so no real need to use those commands.

Contributor III

I use softwareupdate -ia if I use it in a script. But most of the time I use the "install Available update" most of the time.

New Contributor II

The software update section of the policy not sure if that will work since we do not have DEP currently

Not applicable

Software update has zero dependency on DEP, no issues there.

New Contributor II

so is this software update on JAMF or is it the turn on auto updates on the client itself...Because we don't want auto updates on the clients we have a testing phase we want to follow here at our college

Valued Contributor

@craig.morrison It's a one time check for software updates from whichever source you specify. By default, it uses Apple's servers. It does not enable auto-updates.