hdiutil error - creating a package dmg - OSX 10.7.3 - JAMF 8.43

New Contributor

I noticed when creating a package composer will give a hdiutil error. The only way out of this is to create the dmg including the Users folder (left empty).

I delete the Users files and anything beneath it, but when expanding the SOURCES>Your Package Name>Snapshots>Files for Package - the Users directory are not removed and this is what causes the dmg to fail.


Esteemed Contributor III

Post error?


Honored Contributor

Not sure if it's related, but there's a known defect to be fixed in Casper 8.5 where if you change the same of the source package, Composer doesn't pick up the name change in the working directory. Basically, if you re-name the source package name, quit and re-launch Composer so that it picks up the path name change in its working folder structure.

Esteemed Contributor III

Just curious, do we actually have to quit/relaunch Composer? Or is changing the PKG name on the left pane within Composer, along with these fields sufficient?

Package > Settings > Info.plist > Bundle Identifier: "com.company.application.pkg"

Package > Settings > Info.plist > Get Info String: "com.company.application.pkg"

Package > Settings > English.lproj > Description.plist > Description Title: "com.company.application.pkg"



New Contributor

FYI - I actually ended up making a pkg instead of a dmg to get the job done.

Valued Contributor III

I just got hit with this problem. Turns out to be our McAfee getting in the way. Easily solved by running the following commands:

SystemStarter stop cma
/usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl stopoas

Once I was done, I then ran:

SystemStarter start cma
/usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl startoas