Posted on 01-29-2019 03:02 PM
Have never been able to figure this one out. Configuring a policy to add Adobe Illustrator to a dock will always fail and show a "?"
All of the other Adobe CC apps seems to work fine.
Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 file:///Applications/
I have a theory that the OS cannot translate the upper case"I" double lower case Ls ("ll") properly.
Any other theories?
Posted on 01-29-2019 03:49 PM
This should help... I believe it is the same issue (Adobe) with the 2018 version...
Posted on 01-30-2019 10:39 AM
I don't use Jamf for dock policy, but here's the correct path and filename in my environment. The Illustrator naming discrepancy (no version number in the filename) goes back years to at least the Creative Suite days.
/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2018/Adobe
Posted on 01-30-2019 03:09 PM
See issues with my syntax, but I cannot edit in JAMF. Keep getting an error.
Posted on 01-30-2019 03:33 PM
Ok, something curious. The name of the app in the finder is Adobe Illustrator CC, but, if you got to GEt Info on the app, it is Adobe in the Name & Extension.
This is why when added via JAMF Admin, it's actually wrong. Then it cannot be edited in JAMF.
Posted on 01-30-2019 03:43 PM
Ok. In get info, I edited the Name & Extension field to equal the finder name. Re-added via JAMF Admin and deployed. It worked.
Caveat is, would I now have to edit the Name & Extension on all the Macs I want to deploy this too? Logic says yes. Grrrr!
UPDATE: Did not work on another computer in which I did not edit the Name & Extension. So, poop
Posted on 09-30-2022 06:36 AM
I encountered this with Illustrator 2022 and did the opposite thing to resolve it. Rather than modifying the name & extension field on the machine I modified the dock item in Jamf to be "Adobe" rather than "Adobe Illustrator" and it fixed the issue. I know this is old but I figured I would mention it in case anybody else is running into the issue and finds themselves here like I did.