High utilization of resources after fresh image of MBP's

New Contributor

We just rolled out JSS. Hopefully I can give you enough info, but I'm a Windows guy, so I'm still learning OS X. I made an image for our MBP's (brand new 13" MBPr), complete with java, flash, and Office 2016. Nothing fancy at all. I can't find out when/where, but after a little while, now all the MBP's are constantly running their fans very loud because of high resource utilization, and I don't know to how to properly see how/why it's happening. High resource processes include "launchd", "fseventsd", "UserEventAgent", "opendirectoryd", "notifyd", and "syslogd". Any help?


New Contributor

Another note, all users are local admins on their machines. We thought maybe something was hung up on the back end that wasn't letting a checkup/install to happen, but by giving them admin rights, nothing changed. Still high utilization behind the scenes.

New Contributor

Just a bump for this post.

New Contributor III

How did you make your image @esheldon76 ?

Contributor II

Spotlight Indexing Perhaps ?

New Contributor

PeterClarke, I don't know how to check for this? Is there a way?

Poseiden, not sure how to answer this (sorry). I used Casper Imaging, and run the following:
1. Erase Drive
2. Install the 10.10.5 Image.dmg file
3. Set the Mac's name
4. Update inventory

Then I install other pieces of software one by one via Remote:
1. Adobe Flash
2. Adobe Reader
3. Flash
4. Office 2016 (Office365 Pro Plus Subscription)

That's all. Nothing serious.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@PeterClarke How was the "10.10.5 Image.dmg" created?