Posted on
08:58 AM
- last edited
a week ago
I currently have laptops enroll in via jamfcloud, download and run the quickadd.pkg. And during the enrollment process, i have it download all the profiles/install microsoft office and 6 other 3rd party applications including antivirus. The entire quickadd process takes 15 minutes. Once completed, the laptop will reboot and ready for the user to login.
However, having everything in the enrollment process, sometimes it fails with missing profiles, not binding to AD, or missing software. This happens 20% of the time. I was planning to remove all the software installs and do them on the next reboot but would like to see what you are doing in your company.
Posted on 03-27-2017 09:09 AM
We don't bind to AD so that is not really a concern for us.
We use DEP for all new machines. Basically same as your process just how the enrollment gets triggered which for us is automatic on new machines.
For legacy machines that aren't in DEP for whatever reason where we re-image, we just wipe them back to a base OS, quickadd them, and then we have a self service policy that just triggers the exact same policy payload as DEP so everything is consistent and we eliminate as much duplicate effort as possible.
Posted on 03-27-2017 09:31 AM
could it be how fast you're going through the setup wizard? we found if we stopped clicking next for about 90 seconds, and THEN completed the wizard, then things enrolled and got the profiles as expected.
Posted on 03-27-2017 10:58 AM
@jwojda What do you mean how fast i am going through the setup wizard? The wizard will be stuck at "running package scripts" for 15 minutes (during this time, you can check the installer log, command + L, and you will see the software being installed in the background.
@chriscollins So basically, you allow the end user to install the software from self service and do not deploy any standard software, correct?
Posted on 03-27-2017 01:20 PM
I am currently experimenting with enrolling using DEP (which only wors internally as we don't have external visibility as yet). This does only the enrollment and AD binding.
I then have a general Self Service policy with 11 or so packages and a 4 or 5 scripts that does everything else.
So far seems to work pretty well, it's not completely automated though which looks like what your after.
Posted on 03-27-2017 01:22 PM
@baldiesrt Actually we do deploy standard software. After the user is out of the Setup Assistant and they are at the Desktop, a policy kicks in and a splash screen comes up that gives them a progress bar and a basic policy with some standard software like Office, AntiVirus, and a few others kicks off. Lastly it enables FileVault and directs the user to restart.
Posted on 03-28-2017 06:48 AM
@chriscollins Can you explain how you setup the splash screen/progress bar? In JSS, what did you use as policy triggers, login?
Thanks all for your input
Posted on 03-28-2017 03:34 PM
Hey @baldiesrt ,
I can't go into a ton of detail since it would be an incredibly long post, but basically here is what happens:
Posted on 05-10-2017 04:16 PM
@chriscollins Could you provide or expand a bit more on your script from step 3? _mbsetupuser keeps taking our enrollmentcomplete policies if not watched carefully and this script is exactly what I came looking for.
Posted on 11-02-2017 07:33 AM
@chriscollins I know this is an old post but i'm curious if you've changed how you do this or if you are still using this method. I'm running into the problem with the enrollment complete triggers are hitting _mbsetupuser instead of the new created user. Which throws everything off. Thanks in advance.
Posted on 07-09-2018 04:20 PM
I don't know if you've already solved for this on your own, but this is my work around for the _mbsetupuser issue that has been working flawlessly for us.
Combining what @chriscollins described above with an extra step to just wait until the dock appears before running anything else, our prestage policies have been kicking off in the user without issue.
## Created by Kevin Wilemon - 2017 ##
## Last Update: ##
## 09/13/17 - Original ##
## 10/22/17 - Added DEPSetupDone dummy file to avoid unnecessary enrollment steps ##
## 12/02/17 - Added check for Dock status to verify polices are run as correct user and not _mbsetupuser ##
## 03/18/18 - Added flushjamfhistory trigger for redeployment cleanup ##
## This policy runs whenever a system is enrolled in the JSS. This policy verifies whether the system ##
## has already been through Onboarding and is merely re-enrolling to the JSS or if the system is ##
## enrolling for the first time and requires Onboarding. ##
echo -n "Verifying if $DEPsetupdone exists..."
if [ -f $DEPsetupdone ]; then
echo " System has already been onboarded since it was last restored. Prestage enrollment not necessary."
exit 0
echo " System has not been enrolled or onboarded since last OS restore. Continuing with Prestage Enrollment."
## If system has not previously been onboarded, proceed with prestage enrollment. ##
dockStatus=$(pgrep -x Dock)
echo "Waiting for Desktop..."
while [[ "$dockStatus" == "" ]]
echo "Desktop is not loaded. Waiting."
sleep 5
dockStatus=$(pgrep -x Dock)
sleep 5
loggedinuser=$(/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }')
echo "$loggedinuser has successfully logged on! The Dock appears to be loaded with PID $dockStatus."
## Flush Computer's JAMF policy/User history for redeployment and reset "Run Once" policies ##
jamf policy -trigger flushjamfhistory;
## Mark system as having successfully completed DEP Prestage enrollment for future checks ##
touch /var/db/.DEPSetupDone
exit 0
I have other policies that kickoff via custom triggers before the exit, but that's personal preference and would be too long/unnecessary to post so I removed them. The flushjamfhistory trigger is also just a preference works for us.
EDIT: Credit where credit's due! Was trying to find where I got the Dock code from and have to thank @sepiemoini for enlightening me.
Posted on 07-09-2018 07:08 PM
DEPNotify with a LaunchDaemon, so far it's worked every single time.
My writeup link. I also did a presentation on it (you can find that link on my site also). I'll have more in October ;)