How can I prevent apps from being deleted in ipad

New Contributor II


I have 500+ ipads to be deployed for the K-2 children. I can't find any setting on prevent apps deletion when exploring the restriction settings under the mobile device profile. Thanks in advance.

Wei Li


New Contributor

I have the same problem. Good question mate!

I believe this could be "workarounded" by using apple configurator to manage and supervise the devices.

Any help?

Not applicable

We've rolled out over 20k iPads/iPods.

You can go to Settings --> General --> Restrictions and set a password, then set deleting apps to Off.

This should be in iOS 5+, don't recall if it's in 4.x off the top of my head.

Valued Contributor II

let's hope iOS6 let's you control some of these settings via JSS. It's crazy you have to set an impt setting like that locally.

Not applicable

We arne't using Casper to manage, but in our vendor I'm 95% sure we are using a config profile, as that was kind of a deal breaker for us.

Have you checked just the IPCU?

New Contributor II

Thanks for the responses, I guess IPCU sure be able to do that, I will try to search and download the profile, so that I can upload the profile to JSS.

New Contributor

Did anyone find a way to prevent the students from deleting Apps using a configuration profile?

Contributor II

Hi Wei Li,

If you haven't already deployed, there is a way do do this (but not with a configuration profile).

If you are "imaging" your iPads with iTunes or Apple Configurator you can set this restriction in your "master image" when initially setting up your iPad image by going to Settings - General - Restrictions, Enable Restrictions, turn off "Deleting Apps." Do this once on your "master" and create a backup. If you are using iTunes, create an encrypted backup of this image to restore on all iPads. If you are using Apple Configurator, create a Supervised backup of this image to restore on all iPads. Both methods will hold this restriction which will prevent students from deleting apps...but again you have to do all of this when initially settings up the iPads before you hand the device over to the student. If you didn't set this up before handing it out to the kids, I don't know of a way to lock it down OTA...

Hope this helps!