Posted on 04-16-2015 10:14 AM
Hello JAMF!
I'm currently using this to set my Energy Saver options. I can't seem to figure out how to UNCHECK the 'Put hard disk to sleep when possible' and CHECK Start up automatically after power failure'. I'm trying to avoid using Config Profiles for this because of some issues. Any help would be appreciated!
if [[ $shortModel == "MacBook" ]]; then
pmset -b sleep 15 disksleep 10 displaysleep 5 halfdim 1
pmset -c sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1
pmset sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 04-16-2015 11:35 AM
Thanks @RobertHammen pmset -g helped a lot! I'm trying to avoid Config profiles just for the power settings. I've had issues in the past.
pmset disksleep 0
pmset -a sleep 0
pmset -a autorestart 1
pmset -a displaysleep 15
pmset -a halfdim 1
pmset -a womp 1
Posted on 04-16-2015 10:33 AM
Although old, this was my reference site for learning about pmset:
pmset -g disk will show you the capabilities of each machine.
Whenever possible, I prefer to use a Configuration Profile because it's pretty easy/your options are right there in the GUI:
Posted on 04-16-2015 11:35 AM
Thanks @RobertHammen pmset -g helped a lot! I'm trying to avoid Config profiles just for the power settings. I've had issues in the past.
pmset disksleep 0
pmset -a sleep 0
pmset -a autorestart 1
pmset -a displaysleep 15
pmset -a halfdim 1
pmset -a womp 1
Posted on 01-04-2016 05:22 PM
Ran into problems with Configuration Profiles managing HD sleep today as well.
Simple command, we may have over-engineered this using Configuration Profiles.
K.I.S.S. <-- note to self.