Posted on 03-11-2014 08:48 AM
Is there a way with casper to do this?
We will be rolling out new computers this fall. Teachers are going from "windows" based computers to macbooks. They have been storing the "my documents" folder on our server. Is there a way when they can log into the new mac it will map the "my documents" folder so they can access it?
Posted on 03-11-2014 10:14 AM
We don't use it here, but I believe the "Use UNC path from Active Directory to derive network home location" setting in your AD directory binding settings should do the trick.
Posted on 03-11-2014 10:23 AM
Jescala is correct. If you are talking about the location in Active Directory that is listed as the user's "Home" in the profiles tab. Then in the AD binding, you want to use the setting he mentions.
Posted on 03-11-2014 10:33 AM
Any documentation on this? Unfortunately I have been teaching myself how to use Casper.
Posted on 03-11-2014 11:46 AM
The path is actually located in Active Directory, not Casper. If you open up the user in AD and go to the Profile tab, you will see a section called Home Folder with something like this...
external image link
The usfs002ISjbrosko would be the SMB path to the users home directory.
Now to use this within Casper, when you bind your mac to AD you want to tell it to use the UNC path, such as like this...
jamf bind -type "ad" -domain "" -username "UserAcct" -password "Password" -ou "OU=MAC Desktops,OU=US Computers,OU=All Computers,DC=leinternal,DC=com" -cache -localHomes -useUNCPath -mountStyle "smb" -adminGroups "domain admins,enterprise admins,wksadminus" -verbose
The -useUNCPath is the part that will pull that users home folder from AD.
Does that help you?
Posted on 03-11-2014 12:06 PM
@Roskos has the correct way to do it from the command line which is useful with a script. You can also do it graphically by creating a "Directory Binding" from your JSS. There is a section on that in the Casper Suite Administrator's Guide (page 293 in the guide for v9.2). You can then use that as part of your imaging configuration or you can push it out using Casper Remote in order to join the AD domain with the necessary setting for mapping the user's home directory.
However if your Macs are already AD joined, this may not be the best route to take. You may be better off using this command to just change that setting:
dsconfigad --useuncpath enable
Or you can open "/System/Library/CoreServices/Directory" and change it there from the GUI.