How long do Mobile Device Apps take to update on Jamf Cloud?

New Contributor II

One of our educational app vendors fixed some bugs today on their IOS app.

Their new version 7.6 shows at the App store, but 7.5 is still showing on

JAMF at on the  Mobile Device

Apps page.   How long does it normally take for the app updates to transfer

from Apple to JAMF?   Overnight?



Valued Contributor

It is my understanding that Jamf (server) check with Apple once a day.

You can force your clients to check in with your server by 
Force App UpdateForce updates for this app on mobile devices (Managed Distribution or free apps)

Automatically Force App Updates, toggle that per the app, or as a global setting.


Once per day is correct.

You can edit the app in Jamf Pro and enable "Schedule Jamf Pro to automatically check the App Store for app updates". Once enabled, you can set the App Store Sync time to a few minutes in the future to quickly update the app.

Keep in mind if you're using Jamf Cloud the time is UTC not your local time zone.

New Contributor II

Thank you for the replies, espeically the one about the schedule is under the app.  Found my schedule, and it was 5PM just like I said.    I guess if there is a bug fix update like this in the future, I guess I can bump up the schedule a few hours.  Thanks again.