How to configure Installomator to update only installed apps?

New Contributor III

I have been using Installomator and it has been working great. However, is there an option for the app/script to perform a check-in and install the latest update only if the app is already installed. Currently, when I run Installomator, it installs the app regardless of whether it was previously installed or not.

For instance, during my testing, I didn't install Google Chrome on one machine and installed it on another using Self Service. I would like Installomator to update the app, but only on the computer where it was installed by the user/Self Service. On the machine where Google Chrome was not installed previously, I don't want Installomator to perform any installation.

Is there a way to modify the script so that it only runs when the app is detected on the system? This would ensure that Installomator updates the app only when it is already present.




Valued Contributor II

You need to create a Smart Group with criteria “Application Title is Google” and then scope your Installomator policy to that Smart Group. That will only run Installomator policy on computers wiht Google Chrome already installed. You would then have another Self Service policy that install Google Chrome (you could still use the Installomator script, but just not not have any triggers, just assign it to Self Service.)

If you want to get a little more complex, create a Patch Management item for Google Chrome and then add  the Patch Management criteria in your Smart Group and  “Not on Lastest Version”, so now your upgrade policy will only run on computers that (a) have Google Chrome installed and (b) not up to date. 

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Valued Contributor II

You need to create a Smart Group with criteria “Application Title is Google” and then scope your Installomator policy to that Smart Group. That will only run Installomator policy on computers wiht Google Chrome already installed. You would then have another Self Service policy that install Google Chrome (you could still use the Installomator script, but just not not have any triggers, just assign it to Self Service.)

If you want to get a little more complex, create a Patch Management item for Google Chrome and then add  the Patch Management criteria in your Smart Group and  “Not on Lastest Version”, so now your upgrade policy will only run on computers that (a) have Google Chrome installed and (b) not up to date.