How to generate a report for mac's physical location

New Contributor III

How can I generate a report for bulk number of mac devices with its physical location? Any ready made criteria is there, if yes then please mentioned or else please let me know if it is possible through a config profile or else?


Esteemed Contributor

What you are asking is well outside of the VPN framework, JAMF Pro has no way collect this data without 3rd party tools.Your best bet is to use a VPN client that has a heat map that can tell you what outbound IP addresses are being used and their locations. 

New Contributor

Thank you for your response. I understand that collecting the data I mentioned may not be possible within the VPN framework of JAMF Pro. I will look into using a VPN client with a heat map feature to track outbound IP addresses and their locations.

Esteemed Contributor

JAMF just configures macOS's VPN, JAMF itself does not have a VPN framework.


I have seen Zscaler do this very task you are asking for. However, on macOS a user must bless Location access (you cannot do this with MDM) which may impact the reliability of results as zscailer is relying on information its gathering from outside of macOS. Though, public IP addresses can be reasonably reliable at determine location. Also keep in mind a Mac does not have a GPS, so any location is based on the network.

Valued Contributor

You could build an extension attribute populated with output from, say,

/usr/bin/curl -s

But, this will only update when jamf recon runs, and will only return results from a public interface address - a VPN will obscure these results.

The venerable Prey tool has plenty of options for detecting and reporting location info, along with many other options.

New Contributor III

Good to know that, now my question is, this command 

/usr/bin/curl -s

will run successfully and will provide the correct result only when location service is enabled on the mac and mac is not connected to VPN. Correct?