How to set; display login window as name and password ?

Valued Contributor II

does the 'display login window as name and password' get automatically set when the mac gets bound to AD ?

if i wanted to have this for macs that are not bound to AD, is there a script to have it done, or a payload property somewhere?


Valued Contributor

This setting can be made with a Configuration Profile using the Login Window payload. Find the Login Prompt section and select the Name and password text fields option.

The profile can be scoped however you wish (e.g. All AD bound clients, All clients, All lab environment clients, etc.). Obviously some of those examples require smart/static groups.

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor

This setting can be made with a Configuration Profile using the Login Window payload. Find the Login Prompt section and select the Name and password text fields option.

The profile can be scoped however you wish (e.g. All AD bound clients, All clients, All lab environment clients, etc.). Obviously some of those examples require smart/static groups.

Contributor II

I set it in my First Run script:

# Set the login window to name and password
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool true

Valued Contributor II

thanks for the answers, both are great for what i want to do.

I always hear about this 'first run script' !! Where is this script? is it created automatically on enrollment? How did i get a hold of it?

Contributor II

you can just create a script with the setting you want to apply, then set it to run at reboot. This will execute after casper imaging is complete. There are a lot in these forums that you can use a baseline and add the additional items that you want.


New Contributor III

@mscottblake -- can you confirm that this should work when dealing with a FV2 encrypted macintosh?

Valued Contributor

@wolftech When FV2 is enabled, the pre-boot login screen will always be bubbles and can not be changed by any method. This setting does still work, but it only affects the OS loginwindow, not pre-boot.

Valued Contributor III

I think there is an open ticket about the FV2 is enabled log in screen .. but it's been open for years and Apple said that changing it would require a lot of work..


New Contributor III

@mscottblake -- yeah, further digging (@rtrouton) into this revealed that "Name and Paswd" wasn't going to be an option...

But perhaps there's alternative... if I'm stuck w/ the bubble logins on my encrypted macs, can I at least force certain FV2 enabled accounts from not being listed? Specifically the Casper Admin (not local admin) account?

Valued Contributor

@wolftech Unfortunately, all FV2 enabled users are listed and cannot be changed.

I agree that it really sucks.

New Contributor III

OK, well, in a bid to make my users login experience a bit friendlier (as they have not only their login icon but two management accounts they're not supposed to really be aware of staring at them at bootup) -- can I at least control the icons for these FV2 accounts?

Use institutional logos so they can better understand what they're seeing?

Valued Contributor

One option that we use to create our IT accounts is by using CreateUserPkg.

Using that app, you can set the icon for the account and it does appear in FV2 bubbles.

One of the icons I used was of a two color outline of a building... cause who but IT would want a building as their icon?

New Contributor III

Thanks great to know -- specifically as this proves its possible. Anyone know how to script changing the icon for an existing account?

New Contributor III

Nvrmind, found a great one here:

New Contributor III

@wolftech Do we still have the Preboot issue on latest macOS 10.14.5?
