I need a script to see all users in the companies app version number

New Contributor II

Hello all i wanted to know if there is a script or a way on the mac terminal i can use that will show me all users in the company app version number they are currently on? is that something that can be done? example Zoom - current version they are on 


Valued Contributor III

Not term, but in JAMF: 


Advanced Computer Search - Applications - Zoom

Check your account settings though for how you setup wild card / search parameters 

Valued Contributor

Create a smart group and look for the Application Name.

Then you can look at also setting criteria to grab the versions when you're ready. 

You can also use the Mac apps to see what the latest version is and then create your criteria based on that. 

You can also create an extension attribute to display Zoom version numbers in the device inventory. 

So you have options outside of a script. 

But here is a simple EA, can grab the version and then base your criteria on the information. 

Simple extension attribute, remember to add your XML properly:


#Check to see if Zoom client is installed and if true, what is the version

if [ -d /Applications/zoom.us.app ]; then
ZoomVersion=$( sudo defaults read /Applications/zoom.us.app/Contents/info.plist CFBundleVersion )
echo "<result>$ZoomVersion</result>"
echo "<result>Not installed</result>"