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12:57 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Hello Everyone, we are in the beginning stages of implementing iboss filtering for our student ipads. We are utilizing a config profile with the global HTTP proxy setting that has the PAC provided by iboss. iboss support has been great, but there have been quite a few issues we have had to try and hurdle. We have SAML setup with Azure AD so our students are prompted to login to office 365 as soon as they try to browse through safari. SAML auth seems to work just fine. We also had SSL decryption set for all sites except a few whitelisted to bypass and we determined that was causing a pretty severe slow down in the browsing speeds. We opted to switch back to selective SSL decryption and sure enough the client browsing speed was back to what it should be. A side effect of changing the SSL decryption seems to be that we had a mix of having to reset/clear the safari cache and have the student reauthenticate and going even further some devices seemed to have an issue accessing self service installs and apple updates. Yesterday when we were troubleshooting, removing the iboss config profile and laying it back down seemed to allow the devices that were stuck with self service installs to that's 100% not the appears that all of our devices with the iboss proxy config profile just flat out refuse to install anything from self service now. The errors on the jamf side are either unable to connect to iTunes, or an error referencing VPP licensing not being available which is NOT the case. It seems as if the config is blocking access to self service app installs and apple updates but we haven't changed a single thing on the iboss side to directly affect self service or apple. Its just super confusing to me why we would see inconsistent results day to day..... I know there are a good deal of iBoss users out there, has anyone experienced issues with installing apps from self service or apple updates?