If there were a desktop app that accessed common JSS features would you use it?


I'm writing an app that lets administrators manage devices, groups, policies, packages, and config profiles all in one interface.
Would this be useful to any of you?
What features would you like to see?


Contributor II

This is not something I would seek out, as I'm comfortable with a web application being used inside of a browser (its native environment if you will). I know some GUI tools like the Mass Update Tool are useful, however.

Valued Contributor

I can tell you that the ONE absolute requirement from our end would be that it support single-sign on. That's what has kept our Helpdesk from using the JAMF tools - we have a requirement for smart-card/PIV authentication, and unless we can authenticate with kerberos credentials passed by the system, it won't do us any good. Web is more likely to support that than a local app in my experience.


Ah yeah single sign on would be good. I'll have to figure out how that would work...
The reason I was thinking a desktop app would be useful is that it wouldn't require a web server. You just download it and run it. Also you could "bookmark" multiple JSSs with different credentials. Maybe I could have single-sign-on set as an option within the bookmark.

The main thing that inspired me to do this as a systems admin was to streamline the process of uploading packages and then creating policies to install them.

Valued Contributor III


I would search here, GitHub and the usual blogs before you really dig in... In some small dim corner of my mind I know that I have read that somebody has done this already...



@gachowski It seems like there would be something like that right? I haven't been able to find it though.