a week ago
Hi there,
Try to install IGV app (https://igv.org/doc/desktop/#DownloadPage/) with Installomator but get a error. So downloaded the App and use Composer (and build an pkg) but after installing this app and open it the app give an error. "The application "IGV_2.19.1" cant be opened" If I just drag the app to the applications folder it just work. any idea?
a week ago
a week ago
Probably due to the built-in java, but my package only seems to work when the permissions are set for root:admin 755 (rwxrwxr-x). I'm considering a campaign to push users to the web version.
a week ago
@PE Composer doesn't handle extended attribute (xattr) settings well, so you might want to try using the Packages (http://s.sudre.free.fr/Software/Packages/about.html) app to create a .pkg installer for IGV instead.
a week ago
I typically just run "sudo chown -R root:admin /Applications/IGV_Version#.app" before I drop it into Composer and it comes out fine.
a week ago
@sdagley @daniel_behan thanks for your time - think that the build in Java gives the problem. After installing the pkg and do sudi chmod -R 775 IGV_2.19.1.app/ seems also works , but also busy with script for just downloading the latest version and installing, but I will try "sudo chown -R root:admin /Applications/IGV_Version#.app"
thanks all
21 hours ago
Hi @PE
Here's another way you can try,
so as not to use the terminal but your apps .PKG are already set to root and admin,
follow the following video instructions:
important point at minute 4:45
19 hours ago
@agungsujiwo thanks for the information