Imaging a Boot Camp Partition

New Contributor

Created a new, fresh winclone image of XP Pro and have it as part of a
configuration for a Boot Camp install. When imaging starts, it partitions
the drive fine, installs the Mac software fine, but when it hits the
winclone OS install, it basically passes it by and reboots. At reboot,
there is a Windows partition, but no OS on it.

What am I missing?


Jim Frye
District Technology Coordinator
Upper Sandusky E.V. Schools
Upper Sandusky, OH 43351


Honored Contributor

Make sure all packages and scripts are on the distribution point you are imaging from, also save all your configurations in casper admin before imaging, see if that makes a difference.

Contributor III

We had this same issue…well same symptom.

Old versions of Winclone used to work when creating the image locally on the
computer (booted into Mac OS and imaging the Boot Camp partition on local
HDD). We have found with the latest version of Winclone and/or the NTFS
tools it requires you to boot the machine into target disk mode and use
Winclone on another computer and create the image that way.

I would also verify the permissions/ACLs on your CasperShare volume as I
have seen the "fast install" with incorrect permissions as well.

Ryan M. Manly
Glenbrook High Schools