Posted on 04-09-2013 03:31 PM
Followed these steps and it appears Apple has disable the ability of erasing the encrypted drive.
Posted on 04-09-2013 03:50 PM
This works: diskutil corestorage delete
Posted on 04-09-2013 05:09 PM
two scripts to fix it:
Apple script that calls a bash script.
Disk utility apple script:
tell application "Terminal" activate do script "sudo ~/Documents/"
end tell
Bash script that deletes the core storage
# Disk Utility FileVault 2 - Version 2
# Javier Arzaga
LVG=$(diskutil corestorage list | egrep "Logical Volume Group" | awk '{print $5}')
echo "Are you sure you want to erase the drive? Type: Yes, followed by [ENTER]:"; read answer
if [ "$answer" == "Yes" ] || [ "$answer" == "yes" ]; then
diskutil corestorage delete $LVG
echo "The corestorage drive: $LVG was deleted"
echo "Have a good, Day!"
Posted on 04-11-2013 11:36 AM
I'm having no trouble erasing encrypted disks with that version of Disk Utility. Maybe post a screenshot of what you're seeing in Disk Utility?
Posted on 04-11-2013 12:05 PM
Are you referring to the inability to erase encrypted disks without knowing the password? This was a "feature" added by Apple in 10.8.2, and is considered normal behavior now. If you attach the Mac in target disk mode to another Mac and try again, it will allow you to erase the disk without needing the password for the drive.
Posted on 04-11-2013 01:42 PM
Have a good, Day!