Posted on 06-23-2015 11:31 AM
very bad problem here...
only happens on new imac accepting only Yosemite...
i use netboot 10.10.3, tried with imaging 9.65 and 9.72
impossible to deploy base image, with or without packages on first boot... i get these results...
either the imaging jumps over block copy of the base image and goes through the hole process really fast...
either it block copies... but i get the Adobe temp account login...
-either it block copies and boots to setup assistant...
All my 10.9 machines with smart configurations works perfect....
Tried compiled configuration, but looks like the imaging does not know what to do with the compiled configurations....
Posted on 06-23-2015 11:54 AM
I had a weird issue imaging an iMac using the same image we use on all of our MacBook Pros that have the same OS X Yosemite build on them. It would jump from the block copy to a reboot with a black screen with a circle and slash on it, then I'd put in a flash drive with a Yosemite boot USB to recover the machine and it would install OS X Yosemite. When it booted up, it would act like it was finishing the image and install the rest of the packages.
In order to properly image the iMac, I used composer to package the OS off the iMac itself after doing a true CLEAN recovery of the OS X, then put that into a configuration of my Yosemite image. Everything worked fine except one script to remove dock items. They were gone but the aliases were on the dock as ???.
Hope this helps.
Posted on 06-23-2015 12:00 PM
I had some issues with running Casper Imaging 9.72 using a 10.10.3 NetBoot Image if I was creating an admin account using the accounts tab in the Casper Imaging application. What would happen is the base would be put down with a block copy then all the first run packages would be copied down as well as the first run script and it would reboot into the adobe temp account WITHOUT displaying the JAMF helper window to let you know it is still running the first run installs. If you open the Console on the computer when it logs into the adobe temp account you can watch the jamf.log file log the rest of the imaging process. Eventually the computer should reboot normally and take you to the login screen where you can login with the account that was created in Casper Imaging. JAMF filed D-009159 as a defect for the behavior I was seeing. It's possible you might be seeing the same thing.
Posted on 06-23-2015 01:01 PM
I've had this issue a couple of times. In one case it needed the modified rc.netboot file created with AutoCasperNBI. The other was caused by the DMG file not being set to priority 1 in Casper admin.
In all cases we use autoDMG to create the base OS image so I wouldn't think its that.
Posted on 06-23-2015 01:03 PM
@davidacland the rc.netboot file was modified.... and the priority is 1....
Posted on 06-23-2015 01:23 PM
To isolate the issue, I would try:
At least that way you will know where to dig deeper.
FWIW I've only had very occasional success with compiled configurations.
Posted on 06-25-2015 11:46 AM
i only want to know if someone has image successfully new imac 2015 with casper... and if yes... with what kind of configuration... netboot... imaging etc...
all my 10.9 imaging works perfect and not my 10.10...
Posted on 06-25-2015 11:50 AM
Sorry @jmercier I don't have a new iMac to try and image. Do you have an older model Mac you can try and image with your current 10.10.3 NetBoot setup to see if it works with other hardware? Maybe the issue is something specific to the new iMac you are trying to image.
Posted on 06-25-2015 01:15 PM
@jmercier to answer your question, yes we have and we have used the following:
Have also deployed using the latest NetSUS appliance and everything else as above.