Contributor II

Joined: March 2012

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  • 208 Posts
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hi usually with PPPC we get along very well... but now we are stuggling trying to send osascript to auto log massive numbers of computers with specific accounts with new imaged Catalina and getting message saying osascript is not allowed bla bla bla....
hi, we just moved to JAMC cloud with a local HTTPS DP on 2019 server windows. Before with AFP and SMB, we did not have any troubles we have right now im about to explain. Nothing else changed in our network or anything else... recreated all packages ...
hi to all... banging my head on this... Netsus was working fine with all computers from 10.12 to 10.14. Now with 10.15, with HTTP catalog address not finding any updates... So decided to change to HTTPS. Now message on 10.15 Macs while looking for my...
Hi We have a lot of Apple TV and we are getting to the point of finally putting those ATV on Jamf Pro - DEP etc... everything works fine.... with the ATV plugged in the ethernet cable... As soon as the ATV is only on wifi, no config profile modificat...
hi been a long time we did not package any Mac apps store... is it still possible to package Mac apps store to deploy instead of relying on Jamf distribution with VPP ?
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