Imaging the Newest Airs and Retina MBPs

New Contributor II

SO I just got a test of the newest MacBook Air and the Retina MacBook Pro.
Not surprisingly none of my net boot images or boot drive will boot them.

I grabbed an image from the Air, hoping I could replace all my Air images with this one. But, it turns out when i load this image onto a previous generation air, the USB ethernet is now mapped to the Bluetooth PAN interface.

Anyone have an idea how to remedy this? I'd hate to go back to the old model of having an image for each model Mac that comes out. In a mixed environment like mine, it would be quite the job to upkeep all the images and educate everyone on how to identify each model in order to put the right image on it.


Valued Contributor II

the answer i got straight from Apple is that you probably have to have a separate image for these machines until at least 10.7.5 if not 10.8 probably.

Valued Contributor II

I had to talk to Apple, ran into this with the last gen MBP when I used the Air as the base image. think it is a bug in X.7.X

I had to delete sudo rm -r /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
re add each "hardware port" with networksetup

Valued Contributor II

Not sure if this is helpful, but I do this on my base image - I don't re add each hardware port.

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences NetworkServices

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences CurrentSet

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences Sets

sudo chmod 644 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist

sudo rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist

Valued Contributor II

PS - c'mon 10.7.5!


Using a golden image from one specialized hardware to a newer specialized hardware (that only has driver support in its own custom build) is guaranteed to cause problems.

Issues with network adapters and hardware-specific configs is one the main reasons people have been moving away from manual "golden master" images.

I don't use Casper, but doesn't it have a "compiled imaging" feature that's functionally equivalent to InstaDMG or Apple's System Image Utility?

Esteemed Contributor III

@caspersally Unfortunately (yet) another 10.7.5 seed was released last week.

[color=red]I loathe Apple this week.[/color]



Contributor II

I've built a 10.8 netboot image, so all new hardware can be handled. Then I'd use a hardware specific build (if 10.7 or for a reimage) or a thin build (new hardware) to lay down the software and settings we use.