In your user's opinion, what's the coolest thing Jamf Pro does for your organization?


So, this is way less technical than most Nation posts, and if that's out of line, I apologize. But as we build out JAMF Pro here, some higher ups/team members can't grasp the things that can be done with JAMF.

What are the things that you're able to do with JAMF, either in the background or via Self Service, that garners the most feedback from your users?


Contributor III

SelfService itself, and the ability to empower users to install software as needed from a pre-vetted library is a huge benefit for us. That's something our district PC folks have never been able to do with SCCM on Windows, although they touted that ability when justifying the expenditure for an annual M$ license.

Valued Contributor III

Self Service, policies, AD integration, configuration profiles, re imaging in that order..let alone all the reporting functions and iOS management


Being able to purchase apps using VPP and push out those you want users to have, then be able to pull them back and redistribute them to someone else without any user intervention is phenomenal. Also being able to place restrictions on devices based on needs of Admin/ users is great too. The possibilities are awesome, especially when you are using DEP.

New Contributor

DEP, self-configuring MacOSX, Policies, CasperAdmin for deploying scripted applications.


To echo responses from above, DEP, ease of deployment/enrollment/management of iOS and macOS devices. AppleClassroom, Apple School Manager, SIS integration. Ability to allow non IT users deploy apps in our catalog. API and scripting are fairly robust and accessible.

*Support: Kelly Watkins, Ben Michael, Jessie Dunn, only to name a few.*

Honored Contributor

Self Service. Not just the fact that it exists, but the fact that it is user friendly with icons and descriptions and the install process that happens RIGHT THEN... not 15 minutes to 24 hours later that SCCM users experience. The Windows side of the house rolled out a "self service" of sorts using SCCM to the PCs and it's a dumpster fire. It's hard to find, non-descriptive, a confusing process from the self service window to a web page and another web page then back to the self service window just to install 1 app. I've doubled the Mac population by word of mouth of how much easier it is to use the Macs here than the PCs. When PCs are due to refresh, there are lots of requests to switch to mac. Management likes the fact that the only need 1 person to handle all the Macs because of Jamf Pro. (Although I'd be happy if the budget was adjusted to let me get a helper. I'd like to be able to take a vacation from time to time.)

Honored Contributor

I can put tools/scripts in Self Service that fix common problems or let non-admin users do things their regular permissions wouldn't allow them (but are still fairly harmless). From what I've been told, that can't be done in SCCM's version of self service.

New Contributor II

Hi Just curious? What are the tools/Scripts that you are deploying through SS? Would you mind sharing? Appreciate it.