Install HomeBrew Cask application from Jamf Pro - error

New Contributor

Good evening all, I'm really new to Jamf, coding and forum posting, apologise if this is blindingly obvious or I've posted something i shouldn't.

My company has a policy to not allow staff to have admin rights. Some of our more technical users, data scientists & developers really want to be able to install, uninstall & upgrade applications via HomeBrew. We also have to balance this with applications that are within HomeBrew that our info sec team don't want installed.
In order to facilitate this we have been using the fantastic code from Github by HonestPunk called
We've had no issue installing Brew and command line application using
We've blocked the end user from using the Brew commands directly in the terminal by adding a custom .zshrc file to the user directory and making it immutable.

When we tried to use the 





# check something set #
if [[ "$item" == "" ]]; then
echo "****  No item set! exiting ****"
exit 1

UNAME_MACHINE="$(uname -m)"

ConsoleUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

# Check if the item is already installed. If not, install it

if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" == "arm64" ]]; then
    # M1/arm64 machines
    cd /tmp/ # This is required to use sudo as another user or you get a getcwd error
        if [[ $(sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /opt/homebrew/bin/brew list --casks | grep -c ${item}) == "1"  ]]; then
        echo "${item} is installed already. Skipping installation"
        echo "${item} is either not installed or not available. Attempting installation..."
        sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /opt/homebrew/bin/brew install --cask ${item}
    # Intel machines
    cd /tmp/ # This is required to use sudo as another user or you get a getcwd error
        if [[ $(sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /usr/local/bin/brew list --casks | grep -c ${item}) == "1" ]]; then
        echo "${item} is installed already. Skipping installation"
        echo "${item} is either not installed or not available. Attempting installation..."
        sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /usr/local/bin/brew install --cask ${item}



we started getting an error:

a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper

I have tried with removing our .zshrc file before running but we still get the same error.


With this in mind I've tried to piece together my own code with a askpass helper as per below:





#Give user admin rights
U=`who |grep console| awk '{print $1}'`

# give current logged user admin rights
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a $U -t user admin

#Setsup a Askpass on the device
BIN="/usr/local/bin/askpass"; touch $BIN; chmod 755 $BIN
security add-generic-password -a $USER -s login -T "" -w 
echo "#!/bin/sh\\nsecurity find-generic-password -a $USER -s login -w" > $BIN
echo "\\n# Set sudo helper.\\nexport SUDO_ASKPASS=$BIN" >> ~/.${SHELL##/*/}rc

# check something set #
if [[ "$item" == "" ]]; then
echo "****  No item set! exiting ****"
exit 1

UNAME_MACHINE="$(uname -m)"

ConsoleUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )

# Check if the item is already installed. If not, install it

if [[ "$UNAME_MACHINE" == "arm64" ]]; then
    # M1/arm64 machines
    cd /tmp/ # This is required to use sudo as another user or you get a getcwd error
        if [[ $(sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /opt/homebrew/bin/brew list --casks | grep -c ${item}) == "1"  ]]; then
        echo "${item} is installed already. Skipping installation"
        echo "${item} is either not installed or not available. Attempting installation..."
        sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /opt/homebrew/bin/brew install --cask ${item}
    # Intel machines
    cd /tmp/ # This is required to use sudo as another user or you get a getcwd error
        if [[ $(sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /usr/local/bin/brew list --casks | grep -c ${item}) == "1" ]]; then
        echo "${item} is installed already. Skipping installation"
        echo "${item} is either not installed or not available. Attempting installation..."
        sudo -H -iu ${ConsoleUser} /usr/local/bin/brew install --cask ${item}

#Removes the askpass
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/askpass

# This script removes admin rights
loggedInUser=$(/usr/sbin/scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ {print $3}')

/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d "$loggedInUser" -t user admin




When i run it even with a very small application like iterm2 it just sits there spinning in the Jamf Self serve for ages.

The strange thing is if I can cancel the Self Serve and run a different script with just the part, it installs iterm2. I'm afraid I can't figure out why. Unless its cashing the askpass password.

I'm sure I'm missing something really simple to make this work as intended. 

Ultimately as most of the cask application seem to have dmg/pkg that are downloadable from the developers I might have to keep packaging updates for them myself but the teams would prefer it if they can rely on HomeBrew as they'll package the updates faster than I'll be able to.

Any help or guidance from, what has already proven to be a great forum, would be greatly appropriated. 

Thanks Ad


Valued Contributor

Hi AdamRea,

I can understand your company wants to remove admin rights to the standard users. But, how do you expect the developers/engineers to do their work if you lock it down?  Anyways, it's your company and they can operate it however they like. But, in regards to your question about Homebrew, look into using Installomator in deploying software from selfservice.

Esteemed Contributor II

@AdamRea Driving Brew via Jamf Pro to install software is not an extremely common approach. As @junjishimazaki  recommends you can use Installomator if your org is ok with a scripted install approach that will install software directly on an endpoint. If you require review of the packages being installed first then you should take a look at the toolset of AutoPkg and AutoPkgr along with Suspicious Package and Apparency.

New Contributor

@junjishimazaki @sdagley Thanks you for the input :) 
Believe me, my life would be much easier if I was allowed to just give out admin rights. :( 
I've had a look at Installomater I think it will for fill our needs for install application :) 

Thanks again
