Posted on 06-30-2021 02:39 PM
Does anyone know if the 8x8 Work app can be deployed via Jamf? I tried converting the dmg to a pkg in composer, but that didn't seem to work. I'm also open to using a script to install it. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
Posted on 06-30-2021 02:42 PM
@sfaeder , I use a script to deploy most of my applications fro Jamf
Here is my script for 8x8
mkdir /tmp/jamf || :
cd /tmp/jamf
curl $DownloadURL -O -L
yes | hdiutil attach /tmp/jamf/*.dmg -nobrowse -noverify -mountpoint /tmp/jamf/mount ||
installer -pkg /tmp/jamf/*.pkg -target / ||
unzip /tmp/jamf/* -d /tmp/jamf/mount || :
installer -pkg /tmp/jamf/mount/*.pkg -target / ||
cp -pPR /tmp/jamf/mount/*.app /Applications || :
hdiutil detach /tmp/jamf/mount || :
rm -r /tmp/jamf
Posted on 06-30-2021 02:43 PM
This script will work for most or all dmg file types. I just point the installer to the downloader link. The script does the rest
Posted on 06-30-2021 02:54 PM
Dude you are awesome! This worked!! Thank you so much!!!!
Posted on 06-30-2021 02:59 PM
You're welcome. This is basically a universal dmg installer. As long as you have the dmg installer link you can use this script.
Posted on 05-30-2023 06:15 AM
Will this script work for both versions of the installer now out for macs? M1 and Intel platforms.
Posted on 05-30-2023 07:16 AM
I posted this script 2 years ago, so things get updated....with that being said. If you went to the 8x8 download site there are 2 versions (one for intel and one for apple silicon). So, just update the script and create a conditional statement to check if the Mac is intel or arm processor. If it's an Intel processor, assign the download variable the Intel installer link and if it's an Apple Silicon then assign the download variable the Apple Silicon installer link.